Ponuka práce: Employee Engagement and Culture Specialist
Miesto Ivanka pri Dunaji |
Typ pracovného pomeru plný úväzok |
Nástup dohodou |
Ponúkaný plat 1 900 EUR / mesiac |
Náplň práce
Are you passionate about employer branding and employee engagement? Would you like to join leader in wholesale business? We are opening a brand new role in our People & Culture team – Employee Engagement and Culture Specialist.
Your responsibilities will be:
• Development and execution of strategies to enhance the organization's employer brand, manage online and offline presence to attract top talent
• Creation and implementation of communication plans to keep employees informed about company news, policies, and initiatives
• Planning, coordination and execution of various employee events
• Administration and management of employee benefit programs across Slovakia for all our stores, recommendation of enhancements
• Employee engagement agenda – conduct surveys, implement initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction
• Implementation of effective onboarding and orientation programs for new hires, facilitate smooth integration into the organization and culture
Your key skills:
• Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources (as advantage), Business Administration, or a related field
• Proven experience in people and culture, or a similar role min. 2 years
• Strong knowledge of employer branding, internal communication, and employee engagement practices
• Fluent in Slovak & English
• Excellent organizational and project management skills.
• Effective communication and interpersonal skills.
• Familiarity with employee benefits organization - advantage
• Ability to work collaboratively in a team-oriented environment
We offer:
• Permanent full-time role with salary starting at 1900 EUR gross/month (final offered salary based on your skills and experience)
• Annual performance bonus
• Work in stable and successful international company
• Many opportunities to develop your skills
• Flexible working hours and home office
• 5 extra days off for your well-being
• Golden METRO card with credit of 108 EUR each quarter and 5% back bonus
• Great selection of meals in our canteen
• Team-buildings, New Year party and other events
• Multi Sport card
Are you interested?
Then send your CV in English language. We are looking forward to learn more about you.
Zručnosti a kvalifikácia
Minimálne vzdelanie Vysokoškolské I. stupňa |
Pozícia vhodná aj pre: absolventa |
• Bonusy/prémia
• Príspevok na dovolenku
• Mobilný telefón
• Zľava na firemné produkty/služby
• Notebook
• Flexibilný začiatok/koniec pracovnej doby
• Stravné lístky/príspevok na stravovanie
• Vzdelávacie kurzy, školenia
• Podnikové stravovanie
• Občerstvenie na pracovisku
• Zdravotné voľno
• Možnosť home office
• Firemné akcie
• Individuálne rozvrhnutie pracovného času
• Vlastna organizácia práce
Ponúkaný plat
1 900* EUR / mesiac
*základná zložka mzdy
Pracovné prostredie a firemná kultúra
METRO Cash & Carry je medzinárodná značka kvality. Pracujeme spoločne na úspechu našich zákazníkov. Sme im nablízku a chceme pochopiť ich podnikanie, aby sme im mohli ponúknuť to najlepšie riešenie/poskytnúť tie najlepšie služby. So zákazníkmi budujeme dlhodobé vzťahy, aby sme mohli poskytovať najlepšie služby pre ich podnikanie – kvalitné a rýchle doručenie.
Veríme v dlhodobú kvalitu našich služieb a pozitívne ovplyvňujeme prostredie okolo nás. Konáme zodpovedne a s rozvahou, aby dopady nášho podnikania mali pozitívny a dlhodobý efekt na spoločnosť, životné prostredie a naše podnikanie.
Sme veľký tím ľudí, ktorí tvoria zázemie silnej značky. Rozumieme dobrému jedlu a pitiu a vieme čo je kulinársky zážitok. Potrpíme si na čerstvosti a kvalite nášho sortimentu, ktorí tvoria naši profesionáli.
Sme jednoducho METRO :-)