ponuka je uzatvorená
Product specialist for RBI Mid-Market Competence Center – senior @ Tatra banka

Ponuka práce: Product specialist for RBI Mid-Market Competence Center – senior

Typ pracovného pomeru
plný úväzok
Ponúkaný plat
3 500 EUR / mesiac

Náplň práce

• Are you a creative individual, who understands client needs? Are you a salesperson as well and do you have experience with clients in the Mid-Market segment? If you want to further develop and you are ready to experience a quick learning curve, this position might be just the right one for you.
• Your main responsibilities as Product manager senior would be:
• complex management of Mid-Market (MM) products portfolio and services supporting Mid-Markets in RBI creating a strategy for products and services in the MM segment
• development of new innovative products and product functionalities, management of existing products
• preparation of change proposals and terms improvement in credit portfolio in accordance with the strategy
• setting goals in order to reach profitability of entrusted products and services
• taking part in creation of strategy for individual NWUs in MM segment
• monitoring and market analysis in the area of provided products, services and product innovations
• participation in creation of internal processes
• monitoring of agreed KPIs
• budgeting
• Find out more about your future team – Mid-Market Competence center (MM CC)
• MM CC has a group-wide function and cooperate with all NWU in RBI, while the team is part of Corporate Division in Tatra Banka (TBSK) and is directly managed by Corporate board member of TBSK. By joining MM CC you will get a unique opportunity to influence RBI policies on strategic level as well as get a deeply knowledge about different NWUs and their corporate Middle market segment. 
• The team consists of 4 senior specialists from different NWUs and have divided roles based on expertise, not region. Official language of the team will be English.
• MM CC main focus:
• Benchmark of NWBs (incl. internal & external comparison)
• Clearly define the segment and its strategy
• Develop suggestions on how to improve coverage/ sales & service model
• Provide a guidance to NWUs how to optimize key processes (e.g., lending process, standard products)
• Exchange on Best Practices within RBI (Middle market Think Tank)
• Increase digital sales & service offerings.

Zručnosti a kvalifikácia

Minimálne vzdelanie
Vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Iné požiadavky

• This position is great fit for our colleagues on positions such as Team leader/Senior product specialist, Team leader of sales team with experience in Mid-Market corporate segment.
• Your experience should also include:
• knowledge of MS Office
• knowledge of English language
• great overview of the financial products and services in your market
• experience in the corporate area for at least 5 years
• creative and solution-focused personality
• excellent communication and presentation skills
• high work commitment, team cooperation
• ability to work in complex ambiguous situations.



• The opportunity to be part of a strong and successful bank
• The opportunity to stand at the birth of banking innovations
• Attractive career opportunities
• Quality professional and personal development
• Working with experienced leaders
• Discounts on Tatra banka products, package of Tatra personal services, loans, currency exchange services
• Motivational remuneration
• Days of Health
• Free psychological support 24/7

Ponúkaný plat

3 500* EUR / mesiac
*základná zložka mzdy

In this case, we do not offer a uniform starting salary. It depends on the candidate's experience and is the subject of a partnership agreement during the selection process. The minimum starting salary for a candidate starts at 3500 € gross for a full-time position.

Pracovné prostredie a firemná kultúra

Tatra banka je univerzálna banka

Tatra banka má po celom Slovensku takmer 4 000 zamestnancov a viac ako 200 obchodných miest, ako aj veľké call centrum, rôzne dcérske spoločnosti a centrálu.

Nájdeš v nej IT-čkárov, obchodníkov, marketérov, právnikov a analytikov – skrátka rôznych ľudí, ktorí sa venujú rôznorodej práci vo všetkých možných odboroch.

Spolu obsluhujú všetky klientske segmenty, ktoré ti napadnú. Rôzni ľudia majú rôzny životný štýl, a teda aj rôzne bankové potreby. Niektorí milujú technológie a inovácie, iní osobný kontakt v pobočke a od banky nechcú nič zložité.

Tatra banka sa však stará rovnako tak o živnostníkov, malé, stredné aj najväčšie firmy, ako aj o národné či medzinárodné inštitúcie.

Multibrand v Tatra banke má svoj príbeh

Ten príbeh je vlastne celkom jednoduchý. Tatra banka vznikla ako prvá súkromná banka na Slovensku a teraz je súčasťou najsilnejšej rakúskej bankovej skupiny Raiffeisen Bank International Group.

Uspokojili sme sa? Nie. Naopak, v roku 2011 sme prijali výzvu a rozhodli sme sa stať ešte silnejšou bankou v segmente mass retail. Klient, ktorého sme sa rozhodli osloviť, však od banky neočakáva inovácie ani technologické novinky. Aspoň nie primárne: očakáva prehľadné a jednoduché produkty s jasnými podmienkami.

To všetko znamená, že v Tatra banka Group máš veľkú výhodu: môžeš si vybrať nielen druh práce, ale aj to, akých klientov chceš obsluhovať.

Tatra banka a Raiffeisen banka majú podľa prieskumov najspokojnejších klientov na celom slovenskom bankovom trhu.


Eva Stanzl


Bratislava, Slovensko