CE Store design & Format deployment manager @ TESCO STORES SR, a.s.

Ponuka práce: CE Store design & Format deployment manager

Typ pracovného pomeru
plný úväzok
Ponúkaný plat
2 270 EUR / mesiac

Náplň práce

Please send us your CV in English language




  • Correctly interpreting the CE business strategy and translating this into all projects we deliver
  • Defining and developing project briefs
  • Managing and driving design and leading Blueprint projects through to prototypes, implementation of trials and standardisation.  
  • Leveraging group development and adapting to CE local market requirements 
  • Developing strong creative projects that are innovative, market leading and right for both customers and colleagues
  • Utilising brand guidelines ensuring end to end brand consistency across multiple channels and across all store design projects.
  • Supporting the CE Head of Design to ensure the strategy and direction for the team is implemented and communicated
  • Managing suppliers and design agencies to develop design solutions based on agreed project brief
  • Driving quality and ensuring we get best value by working collaboratively with suppliers and procurement teams
  • Providing expert support and advice across the business for all aspects of in store customer experience
  • Leading collaborative working with key business stakeholders throughout all projects
  • Managing TBS Internal design and format teams to develop projects based on agreed project brief
  • Manage relationships with peers across CE Customer and Property to ensure teams are working collaboratively
  • Acting as a Brand Guardian to ensure what we deliver is considered and aligned to the broader business strategy
  • Developing my leadership skills and furthering my wider Tesco business knowledge.

Zručnosti a kvalifikácia

Minimálne vzdelanie
Vysokoškolské I. stupňa
Iné požiadavky


  • University education
  • Upper-intermediate english language (B2)
  • 3-4 years of experience 
  • Degree and experience in Retail Design or Architecture
  • Brand and store planning experience
  • Working with supplier's and specialists to develop prototypes and manage projects
  • Building construction/fixture and technical design detailing Knowledge
  • Retail store planning, Blueprint and store format
  • Understanding of complex multichannel retailers
  • Design Consultancy or in house design team
  • CE language an advantage
  • Program and project management skills 





Employee Clubcard discount

From start of your employment you´ll receive 15% employee discount for purchases in Tesco and Tesco online.


Pension savings

Pension savings contribution up to 240 Eur p.a. (conditioned by 1y lenght of service).



Flexible bonus system which offers to choose benefits based on own preference.


Loyalty bonus

We appreciate your loyalty and for each 5 worked-off years you´ll get bonus up to 530 EUR



Psychological, legal, financial consulting for free.


Clubcard coupons

Special 50Eur coupon for birth of child.

Back to school 22 EUR coupon for school supplies


Sport card

We support active lifestyle of our colleagues.


Refferal bonus

Referral bonus for our colleagues in amount of 220 EUR.



We provide 25 days of vacation for all regardless of age. Similarly our colleagues can use time off in case of important life events (wedding, moving, accompanying of kid for 1st day of school).


Job flexibility

When scheduling work shifts we take into consideration your individual needs, family situation & health status.



Monthly gross salary: 2270 EUR / month gross + employee card with which you can save up to 1100 EUR per year on purchases at Tesco



Ponúkaný plat

2 270* EUR / mesiac
*základná zložka mzdy

2270 EUR / month gross + employee card with which you can save up to 1100 EUR per year on purchases at Tesco

Pracovné prostredie a firemná kultúra

Tesco is committed to celebrating diversity and everyone is welcome at Tesco. As a Disability Confident Employer, we're committed to providing a fully inclusive and accessible recruitment process, allowing candidates the opportunity to thrive and inform us of any reasonable adjustments they may require.


Sabína Szabadosová


Bratislava, Slovensko